
Roommate Finder Service


Rents in the US are rising day by day. As many people feel the burden of rent, more and more people are looking for roommates. Therefore, we provide a service that allows users to easily find roommates and places to live through this app.

Target Audience

Our main target audiences are students and employees between the ages of 18 and 40 who live or plan to live in high-rent metropolises such as San Francisco, New York and Washington DC.

Product Goal

Based on the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator, a service that recommends roommates that fit well with personality and lifestyle, and helps users finding a abode.

My Role



User Flow


Visual Design

User Testing

Design Process




User Interview



Information Architecture


Information Architecture




Visual Design



Usability Testing

User Feedback


Learning Goals

Housing Market

Process of findiing
a roommate



User Research

Housing Market

As of 2020, it was confirmed that the average one-bedroom rental and two-bedroom rental in the United States rose by 3.04 percent and 1.71 percent after the pandemic. Rents in San Francisco and New York, known as the most expensive in the United States, are down 1 to 3 percent from 2019, but they are still expensive. They are also returning to their original rental value. This means that the average person has no choice but to find a roommate and live together rather than live alone. The demand in this market is inevitably increasing.

User Quotes

User Survey

I took the survey with 10 people who had experience finding roommates. I’m  able to obtain their environment and quantitative data through this survey. Also, We conducted several interviews to understand the experience, behaviors and pain points of the target audience.

Insight 01

Among potential users, 70% had experience finding a roommate through mutual connection, and the remaining 30% answered that they found a roommate through social media or online services such as Craigslist and Facebook. Potential users who said they found a roommate through a mutual connection said that finding a roommate through a mutual connection was more reliable than an online service or social media.

Also, most potential users answered it took an average of 2 to 3 weeks to find a roommate. Some potential users answered it took more than a month to find a roommate due to reliability and prudence.

Insight 02

The qualities of a roommate that potential users wanted were a similar personality and lifestyle, financial stability, cleanliness. Of these, more than 80% answered that a person with a personality and lifestyle similar to theirs would be the ideal roommate.

Insight 03

Most potential users have doubts about finding roommates through online services or social media. They were worried about the lack of personal information and the uncertain identity.

Type Indicator

It was derived that the most important thing to look for when looking for a roommate, as found through surveys and interviews, is personality. This is an subsidiary research that help users match their ideal roommate.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a personality test, typically based on psychological attributes and is used to determine differing strengths and types of personalities in a workplace or other setting. Myers-Briggs continues to be used by organizations across the globe to help individuals understand their personal strengths.

Also, in fact, the University of Wisconsin and College of Saint Benedict dormitories used the MBTI test to assign students roommates. It is said that through MBTI, 60% of students can be assigned an 'ideal’ roommate.

Competitor Analysis


Roomi is renowned for the background checks it performs on applicants. To ensure you are choosing a trusted individual, the app displays a badge on the profiles of those who have completed all the steps of the verification.

However, the sign-up process felt very long and I had to type in all personal information myself. In addition, Roomi has a similar structure to the dating app 'Tinder', and unless you pay money to upgrade your account, you can connect 5 people a day. Also, the information shown to users is very lacking.


Roomster is a specialized app for finding roommates. It has a clean interface and gives users a sense of security. Roomster has three account verification methods. Users can do phone, social media and ID verification. It gives users a sense of stability because they can check how other users verified on profile section.

Unusually, the Roomster app doesn't have a navigation bar. Therefore, users can control all functions through the Hamburger menu located in the upper right corner. Filters, the most basic function of this app, can also be found in the Hamburger menu, giving users trouble.


In SpareRoom, users can find not only roommates, but also rooms or house rentals. It also provides very detailed personal information compared to Roomi and Roomster.

However, the overall interface is dull and there are too many text, which gives users boredom.

Key Takeaways

  • Simplify the sign-up and identity verification process
  • Various and definite identity verification methods, and verified badges for verified users
  • Detailed personal information and appropriate amount of text


Problem & Solution

the anxiety of having to live with a stranger

the discomfort that comes from not matching personality and lifestyle

waste much time choosing a roommate because can't have a deep conversation with roommates candidates

Definite Identity Verification

Recommend ‘ideal’ roommates using MBTI and our filter

Messaging service that allows to have conversations with interested users

Information Architecture

Low Fidelity Wireframes

Account Verification

Life Style Filter


Landing Page



Roommate Suggestion

Personal Information


Edit Mode


Chat Room

User Testing Insighs

Final Design

Account Verification

Life Style Filter


Home & Profile


